Friday, December 10, 2010

New Start

 So it recently occured to me that I am really bad at posting on my blog. I thought maybe it  was because I had no time or something, witch is totally a lie because I have way to much time on my hands....
 After thinking about it for a little while, I decided it was because I felt that my blog posts lacked interest. I mean really who wants to just read about my life, I imagine it goes something like this...

 Yeah, ok maybe not quite that bad but close any way....

So (as you can probably tell) I have decided to make life a little more interesting for you, and let be honest for me to, and add pictures, because lets  be honest who dosen't like random stick figures in a blog post? I have to give credit to my sister for the idea, she started adding pictures to her blog and I Looooove it !! So here we go, a new blog, and hope fully more, even better, and hopfully funnier, blog posts :D