Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 I don't know why it is, but as soon as we move out of the house as teenagers (or whenever) we tend to turn into Zombies...
  No,  not that kind of Zombie. The kind of Zombie that comes from studying all night long for the big test the next morning, or the kind of Zombie that comes from getting so much sleep that when you get up you walk around with those squintie eyes. Yes we have all done this at some point in our life... at least I sure hope so, or I am feeling very lonely right now. 
 You know how people try to use the "this is your brain. This is your brain on drugs"poster to encourage us to staff off of drugs.
 Well Before we leave home I think some one should show us this sign: 

 Yes, lack of sleep is quite to Problem for us young collage kids. When Jason and I were dating we us to stay up until midnight (he had work until 11) and the both have to get up for classes. i'm sure most of you have smiler stories. Of course something I did NOT realize at the time is that these instances though often, happened because I decided they did, and I could easily fix the problem by going to bed sooner, or taking a nap. I could always sleep in one day a week and that always seemed to help hold the zombiness off for at least a few days. 
 Then... I had a baby. Boy I thought I knew what it was like to not get sleep (I also had insomnia for a lot of my pregnancy) but booooy was I wrong. And trust me, a zombie seems nice in comparison to what I became the first month of having Jojo. I thought you couldn't get much worse then a zombie. Welcome to the world, Super-Zombie-Vampire-Mommy-of-Dooooooooooooooooom!!!!
 For Those of you who do not believe in this particular monster, you should come stay with me sometime next time I have a baby. Its not pretty. Its cranky, and emotional, and wants to snip at everything that tries to get in its way... So enjoy your sleep while you can!!
  Fortunately, for everyone, now that Jojo is getting a little older and sleeping a bit better I am a little less of a monster, and I have deffinatly learned that sleep is a blessing not to be abuse, unless of course, you want to turn in to a zombie monster...